Night of Songs and Stories
The third Monday of each month, the Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild sponsors a Night of Songs and Stories. The evening features original readings (300 words or fewer) by Guild members and music by local musicians, Stuart Vining & Amy Felker (and sometimes guest musicians!).
Each month a theme is posted (previous examples include “escape,” “blue or blues,” and “play... as in fun or theater” ) and both the writers and musicians write/perform pieces that in some way connect to this theme. A variation of this is when the featured musicians post the titles of five songs that they will perform, with readers signing up to write a short poem, essay, or story that somehow incorporates the song’s title or lyrics into their piece. Next
February Event Sponsors
Sign Up to Read (Reader Guidelines)
If you read at any event one month, we ask you to not read at any event in the following month. We love our regular readers, but as the Guild grows, we want to make sure our newer readers have time to sign up.
Sign Up to Attend RSVP to Attend via SignUpGenius. If you sign up and can't attend... please email [email protected] to let Kim know. Our events sell out and we want to enable waitlist hopefuls to attend if space is available. When the sign-up sheet is full... Please sign up for the waitlist as more often than not spaces do open and if they don't you are guaranteed a spot for the following month. Email Kim Burnett, [email protected], to be added to the waitlist. SignUpGenius How To Click the link above.
Copyright © Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild