Writing Call for Submissions
Snow in August
Nov 15-30, 2021 Submission Window
We are launching a Guild project challenging writers to further their skills in fiction writing in general, and character development in particular. Snow in August Is it possible? What would it mean to see snow falling on our Delaware beaches/marshes/bays in August? Is it literal? Metaphorical? An omen or a miracle? Perhaps magic? Does it happen everywhere? Is it something everyone can see? For our next RBWG project, let’s put on our fiction hats and begin the story of this wildly improbably phenomenon, the day snow began falling in August...Keep in mind that plot isn’t so much about events as it is about a character’s response to events, so think about who your character is and what was going on in her life before the snow began. Is she a bride, a scientist, a vacationer, a grieving mother, a newly divorced man, just retired? Is it her birthday, an anniversary? Also, keep in mind that we will all have this same topic, so make yours unique. We don’t want every piece to begin with the character waking up to see snow. Submit a piece of flash fiction, a fictional poem, or the start of a longer story (the start has to have enough story to grab our attention and make us want to keep reading). 400-word limit. This project is different than writing to a prompt. With a prompt, the goal is to get started on something; with this project, we want your best effort, one that has been revised, been critiqued by friends, revised again—and again, then edited. Make it your goal that there is not one superfluous word. To give you plenty of time, submissions are not being accepted until November 15. Publication. We have not finalized our publication plans yet, but anticipate publication in early 2022. We may also have an in-person event with select readings/artwork. Submission Guidelines. Click here. Getting to Know Your Character. Click here for a list of questions to help you develop your character. |
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